

Think about performance

So many times, muchas, I have been thrown into performance load testing projects where there seems to be no sense to why we are hitting that piñata with an Indiana whip. Neither why there are no tamales in the party and everybody is getting tacos on a hard thing that is like a folded tostada. Just nonsense!

This happens often because the project just got rushed into starting. Just to be able to release the product. Because someone said that to release they had to do a performance something. And then I end up scripting a billion functional test cases using spreadshits to execute everything.

This often happens because no one asked and answered the following super important questions that every performance testing project needs. And maybe every other project needs them too.


Most important thing as it defines the plan. Why are we doing this to ourselves? That will change a lot the way we do the things from that point on. What is the party about? If it is a wedding we will need a priest, mariachi, salsa music and a white puffy dress and only one guy in a tuxedo.

If it is a quince años party we will need Waltz music, maybe mariachi, fifteen young fellows in a tuxedo and one incredibly puffy bright pink shiny dress. Otherwise if it is just your kid’s birthday party, then no mariachi, no puffy dresses and lots of piñatas please!

The same here the things to do on the project will change a lot depending on why are we doing this. Is it a new software release? Or they are expecting more people to jump on and start using an existing application? Are they suddenly opening the ticket sale for the one time concert of the hottest band in history?

You are changing your server from the GameStation2 to the newest Gamestation10 and want to see if it is still reading your saves quickly? You have a huge check box saying performance test that Gandalf told you should do to release, otherwise YOU SHALL NOT PASS?

Whatever the reason please make sure everybody knows the answer clearly as it defines greatly what to focus on and if to bring mariachis or not.


Sounds pretty evident that way before you get there you should know pretty well how to do something, right?

Once you get into that border you should have known how to cross it, or at least if you could cross it, or had the means, the visa and the passport on your donkey. But trust me, many times we just jump and honestly have no idea how we are going to make it. Which may be a really nice motivational speech, but a huge recommendation is that you know or at least have a pretty decent idea of how you can do something.

Especially true here as we are going to need technology to automate several things, but there may not be anything that can do that automatically and may end up bringing a bunch of people to click at the same time having an excuse to bring more paisanos, instead of using automation through el software.

Figure out the tools and tech you will need as soon as you start and if possible do a trial to see if it cooks.


Pretty important to decide what will be done in line with the initial question of why, that will bring the answers, as we will not be able to do everything: bring mariachi, several colorful puffy dresses and many piñatas. Who do you think I am? El Chapo? Who has that much money?

Also no party will be good if it has everything, even if it is a quiceañera rave wedding. Please be classy.

Hence decide well what scenarios will be simulated and what actions on the system will be chosen to automate. Not all of them are worthy of the effort as they may not provide enough load or answers to our test. Usually 10 to 15 business cases with no more than 10 clicks each and 3 to 5 scenarios will be enough to do this right.


If I had a peso for every time I have seen that there is no map for the projects and no one knows exactly how everything is connected, and I mean truly everything, I would have like 100 pesos… but still that is a lot of times!

Getting somewhere you don’t know without a map is nonsense, those pirates needed the steps to that huge X. Or in those labyrinths where you need to be able to write where is the trap, the tricky intersection and on what room is your mom hiding with her chancla on her hand ready to bust you cause you smell like tequila.

The solution map detailing exactly how the information travels from one point to the other and back from there is so important because without it you will not be able to know where that little hamster is getting stuck in the maze.


There are two groups that you must beware when you prepare an event. Who will help you and who will attend. First you want to know who you count with. If they don’t respond. How to deal with your cousin Pepe not bringing the Coronas for the event. You can tell on his mom to bring the chancla again. You must know ho is in charge of what and will be responsible.

Then who will come, only 10 kids? Several people happy to eat your food just because Maria is getting married? Or worst. Just a bunch of horny teenagers who want to see your Clarita turn 15 excited because she is now a woman?

In real projects. You need to identify the stakeholders for the whole project. Find out their roles and liabilities as they will be needed through the project.

Last you need to know who uses or is expected to use the system. So you have an idea of what to simulate. Who will be there at the same time. And who will be at a worst case high load scenario. Or the usual who comes on Fridays at the last time trying to do the last things of the week.


When will the event happen is very important! You must know how much time you have. To prepare the trompo al pastor, buy the tequilas and get the people skinny to fit into very tight dresses. When to hire the mariachi, if any. Or start stuffing that piñata.

As well the times are important, often not everybody shows up at the time you mention on the invitation. You know that everybody will show up at least 2 hours after that. You should focus most on that moment rather than the actual hour on the invitation.

The same here on the project. You must know what is the time frame for the overall project. It will determine how much can you do, and how to accommodate the tasks with that time given.

Finally, know the times the users use the system. So you know better how to simulate and design the user distribution, or just to simulate busy hours. Maybe just that time window of Friday afternoons that is the messy one.


It is important to know this to prepare for the event. To be able to predict how much food and booze to bring. As your brother Juan eats like a Flintstone. Your cousin Pepe drinks tequila like water. Plus most or your family will be there. It is highly possible that they all will get a lot of food and booze for just 50 people. Or maybe you are inviting still 50 people, but they are all part of the fasting monks group.  Which all of them may eat and drink a quarter of what Pepe does by himself.

In the same way here. You need to get answers. Such as how much are the tasks being done. Or  how much they are expected to be done. Then you can design a scenario accordingly making sure to not to overload or under-load the tested environment.

We don’t want monks exploding drunk. Nor Juan and Pepe hungry and too sober. They are the soul of the party!


Answer those and you will be ready to trow the best event ever for you loved ones. Or the best performance testing projects ever!


Besos! <3

-Señor Performo